MentorLIVE is a monthly, interactive live-video internet broadcast. These programs feature subject matter experts from many aspects of the flight instruction industry. Modeled from the
NAFI Professional Development Program (PDP), MentorLIVE intends to offer content that is not commonly available to flight instructors to help CFIs and all aviators in general reach greater
success in their aviation endeavors.
Features and Benefits of the NAFI MentorLIVE Program
- Programs feature subject matter experts from many aspects of the industry
- All programs are available FREE to aviators everywhere
- Each becomes an FAA Safety Team WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program Course
- Courses are archived for viewing anytime at the convenience of our audiences
- WINGS credit is only earned through successful completion of a mastery quiz
- Credit is not earned by simply logging in to the seminar
- We broadcast at multiple resolutions to accommodate all internet devices
- Programs can be viewed live on the MentorLIVE broadcast page or the NAFI Facebook page
- Broadcasts provide a world-wide platform to promote safety and best practices
- Creates a large stage providing over 95,000 hours of training to date
- Presenters are volunteer NAFI CFI members and professionals in specialized content who share their knowledge and experience with thousands
- Select programs are available as podcasts in iTunes and other popular platforms